Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Week in Review

This has been a very busy and interesting week.  It actually began last week with a visit from Dacian.  Paul and Lumi wanted to take the baby and go visit their families' but in order to do that, someone would have to stay with the girls.  Of course we would.  We have no problems staying with the girls, but sleeping on the couch is something we never look forward to.  Anyway, we came over here (the group home) Monday morning to begin our week long parenting.

Our days began with trying to get 7 girls up and going.  Tuesday proved a challenge, but only for a little while.  On the 3rd visit to one room, I informed the girls that my next visit would include water.  Guess that didn't make much of an impression, or they didn't believe me.  Either way, my next visit included pouring cold water on two of the girls.  Guess that changed their minds about my word, 'cause the rest of the week they were up and going :)

One night was a squabble as to which one of the girls would wash dishes, and who was to sweep and mop.  That was settled as I made each wash half of the dishes and then share the duties of sweeping and mopping.  The next 2 nights was settled between the two with no need to intervene - hooray for small victories!

Today is Saturday and the girls are up and doing their chores.  Each is assigned a specific task and the only arguing that happens occurs when they are all ready to use the brooms or mops at the same time.  Even then, they figure out a "schedule" of who goes first, then who's next.

This week we continued our study of sheep in the 1st year classes by making paper plate sheep.  It's so much fun to watch the kids do a craft project.  The teachers are usually so worried about whether the kids color inside the lines, use the right color, or place objects in the correct place.  I keep telling them that they are learning, and if things are not "perfect", that's ok - it is their project!  Anyway, look at these wonderful kids and their sheep.


Notice that two of them have their sheep going in circles (some of the feet are going the opposite direction).  I love it!  It's theirs and they are proud of them!

In the 3rd year class, a few of the boys were a little rowdy and the teacher was frustrated.  She didn't know how to "punish" them, so I told her about "the thinking tree".  Thanks to Wayne Short, it was a new way to give our boys (he and Debi have 2 boys who are the same age as Rick and Jon, and we were all in Boy Scouts together) a chance to think about what they had done wrong.  Anyway, the boys had to stand about 2' from a tree, lean over and put their heads on it, then put their hands behind their back.  I also told the teacher that I would use the same technique with Cameron, only he would have to stand to the wall.  She liked the idea and so the "thinking wall" was implemented.

The boys thought it was funny at first, but after a few minutes, they realized that it was tiring standing there.  Unfortunately for the one in the middle, his distance to the wall was a little farther.  I think the biggest problem with the rowdiness is that everyone is ready for spring.

Yesterday was our monthly meeting with the ladies.  Attendance was quite small in comparison to the previous months, but everyone had a great time.  Gabi read a story of love between 2 people who met via correspondence.  The ladies really enjoyed to story.  The craft for this month was making felt brooches.  The ladies always enjoy making something, and this was just for them.

The quilting project is now underway and our first one should be ready on Tuesday.  I got a sneak peak at it yesterday, and it's beautiful!  I'm so excited for Keri Claggett as she will receive the first one.  I will be posting pics later so be sure and check back.  You, too, can own a piece of Romania with one of these one-of-a-kind quilts.  I will be posting the information on how you can order yours.

Until next time....................

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Morning with Clowns

Yesterday the children at Point of Hope were treated to a “theatrical” show of clowns.  The 3 man team entertained the kids with skits, songs, magic tricks and pure silliness.  A few children were frightened at first, but were a part of the dancing before the show ended; one clown even got Doamna Rita, the custodian, up and dancing, all to the delight of the children and staff.  In all, it was a great time of fun!  Thank you to the gentlemen who volunteered their time for our children.

I’m attaching some pictures and a short video.  Hope you enjoy as much as the kids did.


January Women's Ministry Update

The ladies met on Friday, Jan. 25 for some time of snacks and fellowship.  Gabi Szabo, Missions Director with Fundatia Buckner, read a story to the ladies about a mother with only one eye.  The story tells how the son was embarrassed of his mother, and once grown, didn’t want anything to do with her.  The son marries and moves off, leaving his mother alone.  One day the mom shows up to see her grandchildren, but the son sends her off, explaining that she would scare the children.  The mother leaves with a broken heart.  It was only after the mother died that the son found out why his mom only had one eye………he was born with only one eye, and his mother had given him hers so that he would be normal.  Why such a sad story?  Because many times, our children don’t realize the sacrifices that mothers make for them.  Despite the hardships, moms stand firm for their children.  These ladies also suffer tremendous hardships – husbands away for long periods of time trying to find employment, no money, no job, kids at home, no food, cold, and lonely.  Every time we get together, encouragement is always handed out.  These ladies need confirmation that they are important, and their job as a mother is vital.

Wouldn’t it be great if a women’s group in the states took the time to write a note of encouragement?  There are 30-40 ladies who come to our monthly meetings.  If your women’s group would like to participate in this, please let me know.  Notes can be bulk mailed to me at:

Bdul 1 December 1918
Nr 217 Apt 815
ROMANIA 540429
Jud. Mures

Next meeting:  February 22